
Grey's Anatomy中Dr. Bailey經典語錄及感受

追GA很久了,除了每季裏面紛亂複雜的感情糾紛外,最大的看點還是一群優秀的外科醫生組成的團隊在每個故事裏救死扶傷的感人故事。其中,一直很喜歡那個又矮又胖但極其嚴厲,被稱為“Nazi”(納粹)的Dr. Bailey。她看似對人冷酷無情,特別是對實習生嚴厲到了苛刻的地步,但在一次次的接觸中,我們看到了真正優秀的醫務工作者,真正教書育人的老師就是她。以下僅列舉幾段Dr. Bailey的經典語錄:

1. I have 5 rules. Memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up. I already hate you, that's not gonna change. Trauma protocol, phone list, pagers, nurses will page you. You will answer every page at a run. A run! That's rule number two. Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours. You're interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, run orders, work every second night until you drop, and don't complain. On-call rooms. Attendings hog them. Sleep when you can where you can, which brings me to rule number three. If I'm sleeping, don't wake me unless your patient is dying. Rule number four: the dying patient'd better not be dead when I get there. Not only will you have killed someone, you would have woke me for no good reason. Rule number five: When I move, you move.
這是第一集Dr. Bailey訓導一群實習生時的訓導詞,而且很經典的在第四季第一集裏又被她帶出來的那幾個新住院醫(實習生轉正)借來訓導新一批實習生。當年從她口裏說出來真的讓人感覺到這個“Nazi”不好惹;而後來又被Grey、Yang等這幫想在新實習生面前造點勢出來的新住院醫人模人樣的學出來,還真的好笑!!
2. Dr. Bailey: Don't apologize to him. Dr. Karev: What? Dr. Norman: Oh, Dr. Bailey is right. I ... Dr. Bailey: Shut up Norman, I'm not talking to you. (To Dr. Karev) He got in your way. He's been doing it all day, and when that happens, when an intern gets in the way of a resident, you are not doing what's best for your patient. And you almost misdiagnosed that kid today, because Norman here thought it was drug. So, don't apologize. He should be yelled at. Dr. Karev: But, Dr. Bailey, he's as old as the hills. Dr. Bailey: I don't care how old he is Dr. Karev. He is still an intern. And interns' basically teenagers. We are not hard on them because it is fun, we are hard on them because this is a "life and death" job. They need to learn that. There is a reason why we have a packing order in the hospital. It saves lives!
忘了是哪一集了,有個年級超大(介於伯伯和爺爺之間)的實習生轉到小帥哥Karev手下,Karev對他可是想管卻不好意思管,那個老實習生還超級愛自作主張,最後導致對小孩病情的誤診及延誤。所幸,孩子救下了,Dr. Bailey就說出了上面一番話:“我們對實習生嚴厲不是因為這很有趣,我們對他們嚴厲是因為這是一項“生與死”的工作。這就是為什麼醫院要有一套等級秩序的原因——它能挽救生命!”這讓我又想到,有很多外科同學給我說,寇里有時候手術能力強的倒不是那些很有名的老醫生,因為他們要搞科研、要帶教學、要寫基金、要發文章、要出去開會、要學術交流……上手術自然就不多了,所以手術室的中流砥柱倒是牌子上不是很亮眼的醫生。(聯想跑題了~~~)回來!
3. This "boycott" has gone on long enough, now. Look, I have no athority here, but I would like to offer my thoughts on Dr. Sloan. This man is a whore, has always been a whore, or probably will always be a whore, but I mean, that's not a secret, he's not inhibite it. You are on the way before you get involved with him, now you want to be "oh, he's mean, he didn't call me back, he's dating another woman". He's nasty, but he's a doctor, and here very good one. So, let us all close our knees, and get back to our job, so he can get back to his job, and help the people that really need him. Disperse!
4. Dr. Bailey: Ok, Andrew, you are gonna make a lot of mistakes in your life, but mistakes, they're just pieces, like this is a foolish piece, but you know, it's just a piece. You need to be proud of the whole picture. The whole picture defines you, not just one piece.Andrew: I'm a loser. I'm a loser.Dr. Bailey: Andrew, don't be like this. Hey, Andrew, listen to me. Han Solo is not a loser. Han Solo got in casket in carbonite, and that was a big mess. But, that's not what he's remembered for. He's remembered as a guy who made the Carsol run in less twelve secends, and who braved subzero temperature of ice planet of Horse in oder to save someone that he cared about from the big ugly Wampa. He's remembered as a guy who swoop down in the last minute and lost Ved's spaceship out of the sky, so that Luke could use the force and destroy the damn dead star, ok? Princess Leia saved him from the carbonite. They fell in love, and they saved the universe, and had twin jedi babies, who went on to save the universe again, right? that's the whole picture. The carbonite is just a piece, ok?
水泥男孩那集,男孩為了討好心儀的女孩竟然跳進水泥池中,被牢牢地封在水泥裏危在旦夕。一方面病情嚴重,另一方面男孩覺得自己的做法愚蠢,甚至整個人生都很失敗,於是自暴自棄,情緒極不穩定。Bailey開始跟他討論“星球大戰”一邊轉移他的注意力,一邊借Han Solo來鼓勵他。看其他那幫醫生的吃驚表情,呵呵~沒想到表面強悍的Nazi還是個科幻迷,可愛的Bailey~
5. I'm not giving you my keys of the clinic, I'm giving you THE clinic. I've seen the bigger picture. I love the clinic, I love what it means, I love what it is. But, I don't love it as much as I love surgery. I don't love it as much as I love being chief resident. I don't love it as much as I love my husband and my child. I've seen bigger picture, and I can't do everything and still have everything. So, I have to let some pieces go, this piece. This is your piece. I've watched you earn this piece, hard way, and awful way, knowing that I could give it to someone like you. You've grown into a fine doctor, Izzie Stevens.
第四季最後一集,Bailey將自己一手開創、經營的“便民門診”轉交給了Stevens。這個門診的創辦背後還有一個傷感的故事,那就是Stenven喜歡的一個心臟病人死後留給她的一大筆錢,最終她把錢捐出來用做診所的啟動資金。(扯遠了~)Bailey是個出色的外科醫生,但畢竟人的精力有限,在經過整整一季Bailey的家庭層出不窮的除狀況,甚至老公也要離開她這個工作狂,主任又不斷地“提醒”她要完成手術量,作為住院總下屬又不停的催排班表、手術表等各種文書工作……Bailey不得不忍痛割愛,放棄門診主管一職。可以想像她說:“I can't do everything and still have everything”時的那種無奈與不舍,不過真的,人生不如意之事十之八九,還能啥好處都讓你占了~~看到這裏我覺得更有一種真實感——這就是醫生的生活。不像剛開始看的時候,覺得劇裏的醫生怎麼這麼有激情有活力的,晚上幹到半夜,回家夜生活照常,性生活更是豐富多彩的!!嘻嘻~(又扯遠了~)
另外,還有一段話,我也很喜歡,雖然不是出自Bailey之口,但是也很經典:The contest is a lion fight. So stand up, put your shoulders back, walk proudly and stride the field. Don't lick your wounds. Celebrate them. The scars you bear are the sign of a competitor. You are in a lion fight, Stevens. Just because you didn't win doesn't mean you don't know how to roar.

